Defensive Security

Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR)

Identifying, collecting, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence related to security incidents, and providing a rapid and effective response to such incidents. Our primary goal is to identify the cause and extent of a security incident, contain it, and preserve digital evidence for use in legal or disciplinary proceedings. DFIR is essential for businesses and organizations to maintain the integrity and continuity of their operations in the face of cyber attacks and security incidents. We are your trusted partners in responding to cyber incidents.

Network Security Assessment

We use a comprehensive approach to assess the security of your network and identify any gaps in your defenses. Our team will evaluate your system’s security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend best practices for securing your infrastructure. With this service, you can ensure the resilience and reliability of your network infrastructure and minimize the risk of cyber attacks.

ICS/SCADA Security Assessment

We help protect your critical infrastructure systems and ensure that they are protected from cyber attacks. We do that by assessing the security of your industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Our team will evaluate your system’s security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend best practices for securing your infrastructure.

Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Assessment (VAPT)

Using systematic tests and assessments to uncover weaknesses, we help protect clients from real-world cyber attacks. We do so by performing a number of tests and through penetration testing and vulnerability assessment of the entire network and system of the organization.

Web Application Assessment

We help identify vulnerabilities in your web applications and ensure that they are protected from cyber attacks. We use a holistic approach to assess the security of your web applications and identify any gaps in your defenses. With this service, you can ensure the security and reliability of your web applications.

Ready to Work With Us?

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